Michelle Younger
Michelle Younger keeps Appalachian Old-Time music alive by preserving and performing a repertoire that is deeply rooted in American history. Her sound is founded on tradition, a technical approach, and a new sensibility. Whether traveling in the internationally renowned act Harpeth Rising or playing in her own home-spun act, The Younger Gang, Michelle brings the authenticity of the banjo into new and unexpected contexts while bridging the gap between old-time and contemporary folk music. What you might not expect is that she was awarded a Masters of Music from the Eastman School of Music in Classical Guitar Performance after achieving her undergraduate degree at Oberlin Conservatory. Another thing that may surprise you is that she a descendant of the American outlaw and bandit Cole Younger of the James-Younger Gang. With the authenticity of tradition, the proficiency of a conservatory-trained musician and the blood of an outlaw, Michelle’s musicality, her unique style of playing and her new takes on old tunes are what keeps audiences engaged and on the edges of their seats.